What began as ‘What are they?’ has become: ‘What are they good for?’ del Pesco presented KADIST’s NFT research during LOOP, November 2022. He introduced KADIST’s growing NFT collection, and discussed strategies and practice for collecting institutions and artists. "While NFTs are likely here to stay, we’re just starting to understand their potential—beyond the initial hype of the collectibles market—for contemporary art."

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A revision of The Artist’s Reserved Rights Transfer and Sale Agreement created by conceptual art curator-publisher Seth Siegelaub and lawyer Robert Projansky in New York in 1971. del Pesco in collaboration with art historian Lauren van Haaften-Schick, commissioned lawyer Laurence Eisenstein to reimagine and update the contract’s resale royalty clause to redistribute the royalty to a charitable organization designated by the artist. In this way, the wealth created by the resale of an artwork might serve a general good, as a future investment in organizations that exemplify the values of the artist.

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Art Newspaper Review

del Pesco invited a group of artists to select one of the historical paintings collected on this website, and to imagine what's happening on the pages of the book, or in the mind of the women reading it. These paintings were found in museum collections around the world, gathered by project collaborator Enar de Dios Rodriguez.

Artists: Christine Sun Kim, Marcelline Delbecq, Adriana Lara, Malak Helmy, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz

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del Pesco invited curators to write or select a single sentence, making each word in the sentence a hyperlink to an image, video, text, or other ‘web object’. As a result, the title of the exhibition becomes a compact architecture, accompanying the reader as they explore far-reaching corners of the internet. The project ran from 2015-2019.

A partnership between seven international arts organizations, A River Waits Reply presented moving-image works from around the world in response to the global pandemic. The summer of 2020 invited new modes of exchange at a distance, and a long overdue reckoning with deep social and political inequity. This transnational collaboration proposed new forms of solidarity. All seven institutions simultaneously hosted each video (presented as a weekly series) on their websites. Each work was selected by one of the partner organizatiosn as a response to the video that preceded it, producing a cascading sequence and a winding river of thought, interpreted through the aesthetic and social values of their respective cultural context.

Partners: Argos, Gasworks, KADIST, MOCA Toronto, Museo Tamayo, Para Site, Hong Kong, Pivô,

In 2013 del Pesco interviewed Jack Wendler about the XEROX BOOK. It includes contributions by seven artists: Carl Andre, Robert Barry, Joseph Kosuth, Sol LeWitt, Douglas Huebler, Robert Morris and Lawrence Weiner.

Also see Recent, Public, Publishing, Archive, Online, Writing, Funding

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